Challenge: Feeding Premature Newborn Twins
Challenge: Feeding Premature Newborn Twins Tom and Tim are now 15 months old, they eat solid foods of course, rice, veggies and fruits. I can still remember when they were newborns, they were born premature. I started experiencing labor contractions at 31 weeks of my pregnancy. Doctors kept me on complete bed rest, tablets and injections just to buy some time for the twins and then I delivered them via CS at 34 weeks. They were born 1.5 and 1.6 kilogram and we were informed by the doctors that letting them gain weight should be our goal the the next weeks. This goal is challenging considering that the twins are not so goodie sucking yet. We used a couple of techniques just to stimulate them to take 10ml for Tom and 14ml for Tim (computed according to their weights.) We used tissue paper to touch around their faces and ears, we made a piece of cloth a little bit wet and touched a certain part of the their bodies in ...