When postpartum stage turned Blue: family conflicts
Kurt Thomas and Kurt Timothy were delivered via LSCS at 34 weeks + 5days, around a month premature. Fortunately, we heard their good cries. From the nursery, they were roomed in just 4 hours after the operation. Having a newborn is such a priceless and delightful feeling of every mother, just imagined how overwhelmed was I having two sweet little babies. However, this stage also spells out different things like sleepless nights, long hours waiting for him to burp, diaper change, frequent feeding as much a possible. Above all of these is my post CS wound that is very painful in whatever position I put myself. My husband works away from home so he comes once in 1-6weeks. I have to do everything on my own. Learning how to be a first time mother and deal with the excruciating pain of my wound. My mom and I worked together in developing a routine in taking care of the twins. But my mom needs to go back to work so my mom-in-law replaced her. Long story cut short, my mom in l...