
Showing posts from February 24, 2019

When postpartum stage turned Blue: family conflicts

Kurt Thomas and Kurt Timothy were delivered via LSCS at 34 weeks + 5days, around a month premature. Fortunately, we heard their good cries. From the nursery, they were roomed in just 4 hours after the operation. Having a newborn is such a priceless and delightful feeling of every mother, just imagined how overwhelmed was I having two sweet little babies. However, this stage also spells out different things like sleepless nights, long hours waiting for him to burp, diaper change, frequent feeding as much a possible. Above all of these is my post CS wound that is very painful in whatever position I put myself.  My husband works away from home so he comes once in 1-6weeks. I have to do everything on my own. Learning how to be a first time mother and deal with the excruciating pain of my wound. My mom and I worked together in developing a routine in taking care of the twins. But my mom needs to go back to work so my mom-in-law replaced her. Long story cut short, my mom in l...

it is a twin pregnancy

Gilbert and I were married last 2016, got pregnant after a year but miscarried. In 2018, we learned we got pregnant with TWINS. Though we were not surprised because we have twin relatives on both sides, still the idea of having 2 babies inside my tummy is not sinking in yet. February 14, Valentine's Day of 2018, we heard the first heartbeats of the babies. We were not able to hear it during our first pregnancy so this is a big deal for both us. Tears just fell, as we are in awe of what we are hearing. I started to the little ones inside me thereafter. I told them not make me vomit because I have read moms of twins experiencing double the symptoms and hardships of morning sickness. indeed, they did not make me feel I am pregnant with twins at all, except for having a much bigger baby bump than other mother's with the same age of gestation as I do. At 14weeks, I have known the gender of the twins already. However, my husband does not. I have told him while we were ins...