it is a twin pregnancy

Gilbert and I were married last 2016, got pregnant after a year but miscarried. In 2018, we learned we got pregnant with TWINS. Though we were not surprised because we have twin relatives on both sides, still the idea of having 2 babies inside my tummy is not sinking in yet.

February 14, Valentine's Day of 2018, we heard the first heartbeats of the babies. We were not able to hear it during our first pregnancy so this is a big deal for both us. Tears just fell, as we are in awe of what we are hearing.

I started to the little ones inside me thereafter. I told them not make me vomit because I have read moms of twins experiencing double the symptoms and hardships of morning sickness. indeed, they did not make me feel I am pregnant with twins at all, except for having a much bigger baby bump than other mother's with the same age of gestation as I do.

At 14weeks, I have known the gender of the twins already. However, my husband does not. I have told him while we were inside the car. His guess was a boy and a girl. After few minutes, I told him it is going to be 2 boys. His face lit up because of happiness. We both prayed for healthy babies regardless of their gender. He said prayed for a boy and now we are blessed with two, our hearts are just overwhelmed.

At 24 weeks, there was a significant amount of water that came out from me and we are so scared it could be my water breaking too early. We rushed to the hospital, did some tests and came out negative.  The doctor said there are hormonal changes in my body that make me have more secretions than usual, which could be the reason for that just happened.

At 31 weeks, I started to labor without me knowing it. I was just working and I though those were just kicks. But they were not. I have been informed that I have to go to the hospital because I am already having contractions. I stayed in the hospital for 3weeks, 24/7 monitoring of the contractions, medications....I have to go through  a lot just to buy us some time so that I won't deliver as the twins will be very much premature then.

Finally, at 34 weeks +5days, I have delivered via LSCS, the twins. Kurt Thomas and Kurt Timothy.
They were so small as they did not reach full term but they both cried very well and very loudly. Hearing their first cries melted my heart. I was so grateful for all of the blessings. Now I am officially a mother. Praise God.


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