When postpartum stage turned Blue: family conflicts
Kurt Thomas and Kurt Timothy were delivered via LSCS at 34 weeks + 5days, around a month premature. Fortunately, we heard their good cries. From the nursery, they were roomed in just 4 hours after the operation.
Having a newborn is such a priceless and delightful feeling of every mother, just imagined how overwhelmed was I having two sweet little babies. However, this stage also spells out different things like sleepless nights, long hours waiting for him to burp, diaper change, frequent feeding as much a possible. Above all of these is my post CS wound that is very painful in whatever position I put myself.
My husband works away from home so he comes once in 1-6weeks. I have to do everything on my own. Learning how to be a first time mother and deal with the excruciating pain of my wound.
My mom and I worked together in developing a routine in taking care of the twins. But my mom needs to go back to work so my mom-in-law replaced her. Long story cut short, my mom in law got tired of caring for my babies, complained of back pains and she even insisted to go back home.
I have faced accusations, misconceptions, lies and even below the belt statements from my in-laws. Mom- and sis-in-law have comments on the way I handle my babies and even my household as a whole. the situation got worse every day. My husband knows about it and he cannot say his family was wrong because they are still his family. I was badly hurt.
Then I have realised that I have to be strong for my growing babies. Then I decided not to talk to my in-laws. In this way, I was able to preserve the remaining respect I have for them after all that they have done to me.
Here are my signs and symptoms during my postpartum blues;
loss of appetite
lack of concentration
difficulty sleeping
weight loss
random depressed mood
sudden mood changes
My mother, father, and two brothers helped my get though all of it. We prayed and got the answers.
I have triumphantly overcome the hardships that have come my way. Whenever I thought every bit of my life has broken into pieces, whenever I am about to give up, God just sends people, circumstances, and blessings that kept me going.
Answer: By God's grace. GOD has blessed me with family and friends who supported me and who willingly listened and felt my pain.
In addition to that, I learned to love the Art of Silence. I stopped talking to toxic people who stressed me out---- the ones who do not aim for any other thing than to cause me pain. I just stopped connecting and even thinking about them. Eventually, I was able to avoid the stressors and was able to spend more time for myself.
I took one time step at a time. I savoured the waves that shook my boat as long as I know that my Anchor holds to my powerful God. In Him, nothing is impossible.
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