NEW place for NEW beginnings

NEW place for NEW beginnings

My family moved to a new place. We brought the twins to a place that the four of us have never been to.

It is a new page indeed. Big tides came over few months ago, but because God is on our side, we have victoriously overcome.

Now, we need to turn over a new leaf and have a fresh start.

Tom and Tim: They have adjusted very well with their new room. They have their own crib  which is something new to them and more importantly, coughing or fever instances have greatly been reduced to none.

Both can crawl now and Tom starts to make two to three steps without holding to the wall. Tim learned how to clap first then Tom followed. Tom has 5 teeth while Tim has 2. They are twins but they have two different personalities. Moreover, they have achieved their developmental milestones appropriate for their age.

It is totally a different work environment and workload but I have considered the long term benefits and the better environment I would raise my children at, I have chosen to transfer here. 

My husband and I including the twins have deal with many changes from finances, to transportation, from the weather to longer work hours and etc. There are times when I get tired, I ask myself if I have made the right decision of moving to another place, there moments when my tears just fall because I find it difficult to go from one place to another using the public transport. However, every time I see them (husband and the twins), I recharge myself. I tell myself, I am not the only one adjusting to this whole thing, so are they.  I am sure it is not easy for them but they always choose to move forward.

Here I am, not perfect, not totally happy to be honest, but I am living my life one day at a time. I am always starting and ending my day with a grateful heart.


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