Almost 4 years old. Beyond blessed.

Twins are 3 years and 10 months old now. We are so happy with how Tom and Tim has grown to be prayerful, loving, curious and cheerful little boys. We try our best to use our language (Bisaya) at home so they have the basic knowledge and comprehension on how to use mother tongue. They videchat with their grandparents everyday to show them their dances, songs and tell them stories. Kids add more strength to the grannies, I should say. Memory verses: Tom and Tim can recite Proverbs 22:6, Amos 5:24, John 4:24, Psalm 103:1 and Eph. 6:1 as well as the Seal of God. Prayer is part of their everyday routine before we eat, before we go on trips and before we sleep. Filled with Joy: Every day our hearts are full of happiness every time we see how Tom and Tim play with and talk to each other. They will attend kinderstart by February God willing. We always hear them role playing like they were students going to school every morning riding the school bus and playing arou...